Design Research Dissertation

30/09/2024- 03/01/2025 (Week 1-Week 14)
Lizzie Tanaka (0362065)
Design Research Dissertation | BDCM | Taylor's University
Task 1 - Task 4


Fig 1.1 DIS60304 Module Information Booklet


Task 1: Dissertation Draft

Fig 2.1 Dissertation Draft with Feedback

Task 2: Final Dissertation & TurnItIn Report

Fig 2.2 Final Dissertation Turnitin Report

Task 3: Visual Publication

Fig 2.3 Visual Publication - Flipbook

Task 4: Article for Journal Publication

Fig 2.4 Article for Journal Publication


This module truly gave me a lot of new insights and it was somewhat a good break from a lot of designing since in my other modules there are barely any writing projects. Admittedly, it was quite difficult since I barely write academically and my writing skills were rusty. Writing in this module took a whole lot more effort compared to DRM back in semester 2. The tasks have allowed me to deepen my skills in analyzing data and how to bring it back to past literatures I have read. 

Moreover, the visual publication task was quite a memorable one as it required a lot of time to arrange the layout of 100+ pages. However, it was quite fun and enjoyable once the main layout is settled. With the fact that the publication has to be readable, somewhat still formal, yet also cater to our research topic, it was definitely a huge challenge for me during the ideation and proposal period. 

I observed that writing academically requires a lot of attention to detail and especially a lot of readings. The more I read, the more I understood the topic and I could analyze better and put my thoughts into words a lot more efficiently. Starting out the draft had me writing quite messily because I couldn't put my thoughts and analysis into a cohesive words. However, the more I read academic journals, I get to better understand my research topic. It's important for me to collect as many insights as possible so that I can truly understand my research problem. 

Throughout this module, I found that design is an important aspect for advertising as it can make or break first impressions. I find that many of the general public do not really care about it and that the most important thing from design for them is how attractive it is to them. I found that for smaller business owners, trying to apply good design that are purposefully crafted for their target audience can enhance their overall brand identity and improve businesses. Overall, I'm glad for the findings I gained throughout this module and I hope that it would be a great help for small businesses. 
