Advanced Interactive Design - Exercises

24/09/2024- 26/12/2024 (Week 1-Week 14)
Lizzie Tanaka (0362065)A
Advanced Interactive Design | BDCM | Taylor's University


Week 1 - Independent Learning Week

Week 2
On week 2, we were taught on how to draw and trace objects in Adobe Animate. We learned about the break apart function. 

Fig 1.1 Ball drawn in Adobe Animate

Fig 1.2 Tracing in Adobe Animate

Week 3
On week 3, we were taught how to animate objects. This week, we are to animate the movement of a car on a map

Fig 1.3 Animation exercise

Week 4
On the fourth week, we learned how to morph objects. We started by morphing a triangle to a polygon. Afterward, we were tasked to morph letters from A to D. We were also given a homework to animate a spider falling down. 

Fig 1.4 Shape morph

Fig 1.5 Letter morph

Fig 1.6 Spider animation

Week 5
On week 5, we had tutorial to make a welcome animation and an entry button. We were introduced to how buttons work and the actionscript needed to control the animation. 

Link to the website: 

Week 9
On week 9, Mr. Shamsul introduced us to GSAP. He taught us how to this page slide and buttons. 

Link to the website:

Then, he made us do a zoom picture feature on a website. Here's my take: 

Since this is my first time using Adobe Animate, it was quite confusing and hard to adapt at first and I had no idea how we would be able to achieve an interactive, working website with Adobe Animate. However, during the weeks we had the exercises, it introduced me to the basics of the app and how it operates. All of the exercises Mr. Shamsul taught was very helpful in the long run and for my final project too. 

I observed that I myself tend to forget the little things that cause my animation to not run at all and encounter issues. This is an observation that I will keep in mind when doing future projects as the littlest things in Adobe Animate matters a lot for the final product to work well. 

With using Adobe Animate, I find that the app is so difficult to get used to for beginners. It takes frequent practice and continuous usage for one to understand how the app works. 
